What I'm Fighting For 


Entrepreneurial Friendly Robbinsdale 

Having lived in Robbinsdale since 1976, and watched, first hand, the ever changing commercial landscape in Birdtown over the years, I am truly amazed at the development of our Downtown over the past 20 years. As a City Council member, I will continue the development of our Downtown in a diverse and sustainable way. As a business attorney I advise small and medium sized businesses every day on what it takes to succeed and will be in a unique position to know how we can be even more accommodating to entrepreneurs who choose to set up shop in our great city. More commerce means more tax revenue, which in turn means greater improvements to our City. As a pro-growth and pro-independent business City Council member I will use my position to help attract more of the types of local businesses we all patron and enjoy.

Robbinsdale – Cultural Hub of the Northwest Suburbs

Without the arts – music, theater, visual arts – life becomes incredibly dull. People do not want to live and work in a community where there is no play. Accordingly, the arts play a vital role in the health and wellbeing of a city.

Robbinsdale’s “main street” Downtown, its walkable parks, and diverse residents make it an ideal city to host a wide variety of cultural events focusing on music and the arts. I see no reason why, in addition to Whiz Bang Days, Robbinsdale cannot have its own music festival, its own community theater, its own art fair. As your City Council member, I will work with the business, religious, non-profit, and community organizations of Robbinsdale to work towards promoting and providing more music and arts events in Robbinsdale. 


Robbinsdale is a rich and diverse community of residents whose interests run the gamut of the human experience. What makes Robbinsdale special is its ability to continually provide a life for its residents that meets the needs of their varied lifestyles. Whether we are retirees, parents, or single persons, we residents may differ in how we spend our days and what we want from our community. But we all want – and deserve – the same basic services. We all want clean water and efficient trash pickup. We all want our roads to be maintained. We all want safe neighborhoods. And we all agree that Robbinsdale should provide these services efficiently and excellently.

While these issues are not often controversial, and are often taken for granted, I believe they are vitally important. Before we can create a vision for better parks and community centers and cultural events, we need to ensure these fundamental residential needs are met. As your City Council member, I will ensure that our basic city services are our top priority and are fully funded. Strong city services – water, trash disposal, road maintenance, public safety – are the backbone of any city and its operations, and provide the necessary support for all the other wonderful things Robbinsdale provides for its residents.


Light Rail

I was in favor of the Blue Line Light Rail in Robbinsdale years ago when the plan was to run the line behind Downtown on existing rail lines. At that time there existed a strong desire to commute to downtown Minneapolis, light rail seemed to be the only viable, environmentally friendly alternative to gas powered vehicles, and being on existing rail, the costs weren’t unreasonable and the route would not upend Robbinsdale daily living. Things have changed. I now oppose the new plan to run the rail down Bottineau boulevard.

First, Covid changed the way we live, work, and play. People simply do work downtown today to the degree they did in 2020. Office buildings in downtown Minneapolis are emptying as businesses understand that people can (and prefer) to work from their homes. In short, the pressing need for increased commuter options in 2024 does not exist, and is not going to exist any time soon.

Second, when the Blue Line extension was being planned, light rail was the only viable electric transportation option. In 2024, we now know that fully electric buses are a real alternative to light rail – and at a fraction of the cost.

Third, the costs of this project, not only in dollars but in social costs, are simply indefensible. I find it hard to support a fixed, permanent transportation project that will cost upwards of $2 billion when an environmentally sustainable alternative exists at a tenth of the cost. Finally, and for me, most importantly, I oppose the physical division that light rail will cause to our City. Neighborhoods and businesses will be disrupted. Crossing Bottineau will be an ever increasing difficulty for our seniors, our children, and our disabled neighbors. And Robbinsdale will ditch its small town charm for another stop on an unused light rail thoroughfare.

Lake Drive and West Broadway Speed Limits

Related to my goals for infrastructure would be to reduce certain speed limits in Ward 1. First, I would work to drop the speed limit on Lake Drive to 30mph. There is no reason why a street that passes an elementary school and runs through an almost exclusively residential area should be 35mph. I would also propose to drop the limit on West Broadway to 25mph from France to the Crystal boarder.

I understand these goals involve county roads, but I will work tirelessly with other local governments to see this gets done. This is our city, and our streets should reflect our values; not those who use them merely as thoroughfares on their way to work and home.